The 'max Speed' is just the base speed of a division; when travelling, this number is typically lower due to various modifiers. The range also means they can easily be assigned to air missions in different regions without having to move to another airbase. Naval bomber/Patrol: Bomb and kill enemy ships (much more cost-effective than building your own ships!). Command points are automatically used for these missions and and costs permanent 0.3 command power while mission is active. TAC bombers have a horrendous strat bombing stat. Each building level (maximum level 5 per state) removes 5[4] air power from the opposing side. They are good both for protecting bombers at range and intercepting enemy bombers. I use them somewhat early one, so that I can then transition to 30 width divisions. Information, Frequently Asked You don't build them because they're the best at what they do, you build them because they're cheaper and easier than building CAS+NAV+STRAT bombers. Single player no, multi yes. Strats can completely cripple the enemy, but requires a lot of IC. Press J to jump to the feed. This ratio is stated as a percentage and results in a color applied to a region (can be viewed using the Strategic Air map mode). In my experience they're a bit pointless. I couldn't build a navy big enough to kill all their carriers and battleships, so instead I built some radar stations and piled 1,000 naval bombers into the Mediterranean. Valve Corporation. Heavy tanks are much more expensive than Medium Tanks, and suffer from very harsh combat penalties in many terrain types. If you can win without bombers, you should do so, since you'd rather be able to use their factories and infrastructure without waiting for repairs. Putting 2 factories on transport planes should be sufficient for your logistical needs. Unless anything has changed, the prime reason they are effective is because they bomb all the airfields in a strategic region first, crippling the defender's ability to respond with fighters and after that they just turn out free damage every month. They have become even worse after the piercing buff. Hi, let me introduce myself! Bombs enemy buildings to cripple their industry. This means they can perform CAS missions against targets CAS aircraft can't reach, which is particularly useful in areas without lots of airbases, like Africa or Asia. If there are none, then reinforcement will take place when new planes of the correct equipment type are produced by military production lines. At the same time I will . All you have to do is click on the province that you want to attack, and then the nuke icon at the bottom of its window. the infantry category). Questions, Paradox . At 4000 allied planes versus 500 enemy planes, adding 1000 planes to the allied side only increases allied air superiority by 1.3 percentage points. in the air region without regard to the number of air wings present. There is also a Reorganize option that allows greater control over moving planes between two or more wings of the same type. They improve the following stats of aircraft executing the respective mission type[1]: Escort Efficiency belongs to the same family of modifiers but has no effect. Interactive corporate website, Enemy bombers are detected in an assigned air zone, At least one undamaged building, including state buildings in partially covered states (if any), Enemy divisions or air wings are receiving supply from a supply node, At least one friendly division with a non-zero supply consumption is present, If the wing's range does not cover the entire strategic region, it will get a, The mission efficiency of the strategic region is the. Example: The enemy side of a battle has four divisions with 1936 support anti-air battalions (15.2 air attack) and four divisions without any anti-air. Their capacity is determined by the deck size stat of the ship and they only support carrier-capable aircraft. 1936 fighters and 1940 fighters) may be mixed in the same air wing. However I don't know how exactly strategic bombing works, and the wiki doesn't help much. What is better: large or small divisions? Is this true? Use a Tank/Plane Designer Company to give your tank/plane extra stats (designer works even on tank/plane variants, even when the designer was hired after the base model had already been researched). Similar to air superiority, but does not engage enemy fighters and stays on the ground if no enemy bombers are active. The automatically stop pilot exercises when fully trained icon will show when properly enabled. Scout plane: Provides intel on enemy troop compositions. If the total number of stationed planes exceeds the capacity, every additional percent of planes causes a 2%[3] overcrowding penalty. Redirect to: Air technology#Strategic Bomber; Retrieved from "https://hoi4 . In addition, combat width, reliability and support companies are discussed in detail. Bombers are much slower and less agile than fighters, so players designing defensive fighters will find guns are most effective. Then invaded, and send in CAS. Would make it easier to build them. However, different models of plane within the same type (e.g. Questions, Paradox support artillery specifically is stupid cost effective. In HOI4 you can't decide what to target and you potentially find yourself advancing into states that you just bombed into oblivion and run out of supplies and incur in attrition because of this. There's probably also a fair bit of LL going on as well. If you're the USA I think they can be useful, if you're anyone else I'd say just go for Tactical bombers. Wings with this mission will only participate in air combat if enemy bombers or transport planes are detected. They may get targeted by naval anti-air. Calculations on Infantry to Artillery ratio, General notes on infantry division designs, For many more beginner tips, I strongly recommend the. Its a simple game, CAS is better but TAC has more range which you hardly ever need thus CAS it is then usually. Close Air Support planes are designed to provide support in land combat. Shift-click on the 'exercise' button to let your troops train until they reach their maximum exercise level. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. +1 I agree with everything you said. Professional Officer Corps, earns itself back after 350 army XP. Well, the main problem isn't that they're bad at what they do, but that you rarely need them. Deals damage to enemy divisions on the ground. mission can prioritize the type of target (such as airbases, radar installations, forts, infrastructure, etc.) Like their lighter counterparts, Heavy Fighters can perform Air Superiority and Interception air missions. I take it it destroys factories, but how does it affect other players more than the AI? Once a new air wing is created, it will take several days for the planes to arrive at the air base. Its also silly to have to whittle down Britain's nearly 20k plane reserves by 1940. From Hearts of Iron 4 Wiki. An ace can increase the amount of attacks, while weather might decrease it (stacking multiplicatively). And with the new air designer, designing a tactical bomber with medium bomb bays for strategic bombing takes away nearly all of the ground-attack capability of said tactical bomber. Strategic bomber: Destroys enemy buildings, e.g. It is not just a problem of strategic bombers as a whole but there are also no specific missions for tactical air, which is a lot more accurate. Tank designs before 1940 are not included; their design should be similar to the designs listed below. Pushing with infantry and CAS often works against a weak enemy. Would you care to add a template for heavy fighters as air superiority/escorts for bombers? The air support bonus can be observed in the tooltips that appear when you hover over icons for land units stats shown in the battle display. Air superiority is provided by planes actively performing their mission and depends on their type as well. Attrition losses are also relatively larger for small divisions, and they are quite impractical to use, requiring lots of them. So having more support arty by having smaller divisions, boosted by SF (right) would be good. In order to unlock these airframes, jet engines in the engineering technology research tree must already be researched. Players carrying out strategic bombing should note: Players subject to strategic bombing can respond in several ways: Players can assess the impact of their bombing and their defenses in the region's air combat screen (number of buildings bombed, percentage of bombers disrupted). Try to capture an enemy air base as quickly as possible, so that the player can redeploy some fighters and CAS there. i think having 3 months of day vs 3 months of night might display results more clearly than the test you did in the prior post you linked. Would you recommend to use 21 width tank divisions? Especially if the attack on the region is being carried out by a. The maximum penalty without doctrine is 35% at 100% air superiority. The colors and interpretation of the colors is listed in the table below. Btw the current war score from strat bombing is completely broken and overpowered. Press F1 to switch to it if you're using another view. VS the AI, TAC is very niche, sometimes useful in vast airspace but entirely pointless in the west because the question of range is never asked. The excess intel only serves as a buffer if the player stops performing any air reconnaissance. Fleet frontage is calculated from the total hit points (HP or health) of the enemy fleet divided by 20. Only heavy fighters have enough range to escort strategic bombers deep into enemy territory, but they can be beaten by light fighters. All types of planes may be located at these air bases, including carrier-capable models. A general can reduce the damage received with the "Damage Reduction Against CAS" modifier (Camouflage expert provides 50%). CAS wings will contribute planes to the battle up to 54 planes. Example: A battle takes place in a forest province (-10% enemy air superiority). @Fortebrako Since heavy fighters have already low agility, I'd stack them full of Heavy MGs. Heavy fighters have a long range and powerful weapons. It's better when playing against Human players as they feel annoyed that they have no infastracture and factories after some heavy strategic bombing compared to the AI who just automates and isnt emotionally effected by it. Air warfare is managed in the corresponding strategic air map mode. tacticals & modded aircraft. The capacity of an air base is shared between allies. Averaged over a long time, they will shoot down planes every time they are attacked. meanwhile if you just take the right side you're only getting a 30% bonus. If one of the assigned missions has a condition that's "Always executes", no later mission in the list will ever be executed by that wing. This might cause enough damage to their air bases to "even the odds" by reducing enemy mission efficiency. And if the plane is from air base, it does damage equal to the one fifth of plane's naval attack value. Naval bases are located within provinces on land, therefore, port strikes can only take place in a region which covers land. Join. Is it worth building strategic bombers? These planes will continue to air drop mines to the assigned strategic region until 1000 mines have been laid in the region, at which point the region is considered to be fully saturated with mines. The effective and hard cap that scout planes can contribute to intel are. If no missions are assigned, air wings will remain idle in their air bases. 100 odd strat bombers will achieve pretty much nothing, you really do need a respectable amount of them, say 1000+, to have them be of any real effect. Would you say that makes sense, or should I just go with with 30 and have a few tank divisions less? Planes capable of naval minelaying can be assigned to naval minelaying missions only during wartime. regardless of whether or not it works, the night *strat* bombing modifier is supposed to be -50%. This page was last edited on 21 February 2023, at 12:35. If your target is beyond CAS range, then you can have 10K CAS and theyre useless. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Since many of the conditions during play are dynamic, wings may fly different missions at different types, producing multiple types of results. Every plane that joins a battle produces 0.0005[13] country air experience. Taking the country after that was a breeze. Tactical Bombers are smaller fast bombers that can help out ground troops and bomb enemy buildings. Planes capable of naval minesweeping can be assigned to naval minesweeping missions during wartime. At least 30% air superiority is required to perform port strikes [15]. In aircraft-dense areas where the frontline airbases might be congested, they, like Heavy Fighters, can act as "second row" aircraft adding even more air power to the frontline regions from airbases behind. Even though the medium airframe can be designed to have more CAS damage than small airframe CAS, it is much less cost-effective, so not recommended. But this is one of the primary uses of strategic bombers. This meant that Germany didn't have the infrastructure to move supplies and units easily, as well as not being able to produce more, which is a big problem especially in the late game. Available for: CAS, Tactical Bomber, Jet Tactical Bomber. Various countries have focuses that grant research bonuses for e.g. Then, prepare for an actual naval invasion in which you replace the strat bombers with CAS. To perform multiple missions simultaneously, create multiple smaller wings and assign a wing to each individual mission. Does it affect just CAS or any aircraft with a CAS mission available, i.e. All air stuff is worthless except heavy fighters. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. Naval bombers en masse are ridiculous. This is a community maintained wiki. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Amphibious tanks have terrible armor, which makes them unusable. When in a stalemate, but you have superiority in the air, logistics strike will cripple enemy supply. The stats of a unit are displayed when editing a unit in the template designer, and the current stats of a division in the field can be inspected by clicking on their icon. This is a community maintained wiki. It still gives +20% strat bombing compared to day bombing's +30%, which isn't that much less if you factor in the additional +20% from the final doctrine tech (so you're looking at +40% vs. +50%), while also giving you a -50% modifier to strat bombing during the night . if you're only doing one sortie at night, then you're going from ((100% + 100% + 10%) / 3) = .7 to ((100% + 100% + 55%) / 3) * 120% = 1.02, a 45.7% overall increase in output. 90% -> 99%. This page was last edited on 8 January 2023, at 00:10. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. When you have, it becomes an unending nightmare where you haven't enough military factories left to build enough planes to stop the bombing, or enough civilian factories left to repair them. Redirect page. The minimum size of an air wing is 1 plane, and the maximum size is 1,000 planes.