We had a good time, though. "Well, because I had three wives, white wives, and they stereotype, you know. He laughs. And she was illiterate. Some clearly sadden himhe saw his friend Charlie Rose in Aspen the previous weekendbut others seem to offer him the satisfaction of justice served. And my daughter kicked his ass, boy. Even though, later, your mother recovered, you never really formed a bond with her? (2) I didn't have a chance. Stockholm she's coming in next week.. I said, 'Why?' "Well, listen, anger doesn't get anything done, so you have to find out: How do you make it work? When we first went in, there was a little blonde lady there, standing up with no shoes on, in her underwear, and she had a bowl of feces and she says, 'You shall have no pie!' You know, I'd see him try to fighthe couldn't fight worth a shit. Cape Town. ", "Yeah. 25. Jackson at the time was looking for a producer, Jones recommended some producers but in the end asked Jackson if he could do it, Jackson said yes. Jones and Lipton welcomed two children. Appeals are ongoing. I just think that's who they are, you know. Cairo, whew.". My mind's so clear now, you know. A switchblade in your hand nailed to a fence. In July he was awarded $9.42 million. And I went over the back of the seat and did like that on his shoulders: 'Pac!' We had lunch with him. Regardless of the paths that our lives took us on, I can say with the utmost certainty, that love is eternal. "The muses come out at midnight," he says. Theyve Had an Inappropriate Relationship For Months, How Black Creators Can Expand Their Network with LinkedIn, Quincy Jones is an iconic music executive who has worked with the biggest stars, from, Quincy was married three times throughout his life, Quincy is now single, but has multiple girlfriends who live all around the world. Michael was scared to deathhe thought there was some voodoo in there. Kidada Ann Jones was born on March 22, 1974, in Los Angeles, California, US, as the eldest daughter of Quincy Jones and Peggy Lipton. He got paranoidgot outside and ran 15 blocks, nobody after him. Man, the song is the shitthat's what people don't realize. It started off funny. Jones' final marriage was to actress Peggy Lipton. Jolie Jones Levine's Husband Is A Producer. This is fresh in his mind, in part because he knows whom he blames for this disappointment. ", "No, no, no, no, no, no, no. And we went and talked, and after that we hugged and made up. Then Janet went by. I was terrified. But as we get older, there are always some advances that pass us by. 26. He said, 'Trying, Quincy, to assimilate, but it's not coming easy.' "He knew. ". He was fucked-up with absinthe all the time. I dont see you ghting for your race. "Whatever crumbles your cookie. Frank knew first and he called me up, and he was like a little kid: 'We got the first music on the moon, man!' Because they used to live next door to us in Cannes in 1957. ", Jones's first proper, sustained job as a professional musician came when he went on the road, playing trumpet with the band leader Lionel Hampton, when Jones was 18. That's the story of America. (22) Number one, we lived right next door to each other.". I don't give a shit." He said that was his intention.". How stupid can that be, when you're in South Africa and Cairo and Brazil and Chinalooking for a fucking blonde?". The only place you find success before work is the dictionary, and that's alphabetical.". "Je ne regrette rien de tout. He even got the trumpets in the booty. The family had moved to Washington State four years earlier, and this change was the making of him: He discovered music, and he threw himself into learning it. And in Paris to this day, you go to Chez L'Ami Louis, the waiter will come over to you with a pepper shaker and say, 'Here's your Rubirosa.' Jones has stated of her mixed race parentage, "It was the 1970s and still not that acceptable for them to be together." It was actually two years later, in 1957, and Presley was 21 when he first appeared on the Dorsey brothers' Stage Show. He produced Michael Jackson's "Off the Wall" album, the album's success made Jones the . Said 'Jones's kids.' Oh Godman, this is not going too well. Some people would be judgmental about having lunch with someone who was so closely involved with the Nazi Party. Got to challenge the brain. "I'll write music," he says. If you think today's bad As a young kid, after my mother was taken away, my brother and I, we saw dead bodies every day. I mean, I almost had a heart attack. Smelly was the name Jones used for Michael Jackson; he took it from Jacksons habit of saying smelly jelly instead of funky., "Well, we sat at a table that held 24 people, at his house, family table, I said, 'MichaelSmelly, (20) you sit over there so he doesn't feel like we're ganging up on him.' And then in the first proper meeting you had in Hollywood, the producer walked in, saw you, and walked out again? "Yeah, Welsh. Shit, all those cats in New York. "No, because she never got involvedshe never got passionate about what the Third Reich was doing. Always. "He said, 'I'll meet you at Sharon's, because I've got some stuff for your hair,' " Jones remembers. ", He pulls out a book published a few years ago filled with photos and memories from his life, and he tells me about the time Bono invited him to come along to the Vatican in 1999 to meet Pope John Paul. Over the years, Jones's explanation for why he is the way he is, and for all he has done in his life, has very often narrowed down to one single circumstance: growing up without a mother. She knows you've been out fucking around!'". He said, 'I'm sorry I said it.' Sometimes the white girl BBC connection doesn't work. And four years later, Jerry Lee Lewis copies it (13), records it, and becomes a legend. Martina's Father Married His Third Wife Immediately After Divorcing Her Mom. I've been a fan of hers since Triumph of the Will. Quincy Jones has a history of dropping hits having produced Michael Jackson 's "Billie Jean," "Beat It," "Thriller" and countless other iconic songs. Cairo. Jones says Charles was the most independent blind man you could ever witnesshed go cross the lights, go to the supermarket, shop, count his change no help. The actor also has two daughters from other relationships. And then, I'm sure it was not planned, one of the slave owners was a Welshman. Anything. That's fucked-up for 14. It was no problems after that. That's how this story is usually told, anyway. Ray had me on heroin for five months. Harlem and Compton don't mean shit after Chicago in the '30sthey look like Boys Town to me. One of these was part of the National GuardJones lied and said that he was 18 so that he could join. I've been traveling all my life, and I guarantee I travel more than any motherfucker on this planet.". When you're 7 years old, you don't give a fuck, you know. he asks at one point, then answers his own question. Seven years old, I went to the wrong neighborhood, I didn't know the codes and stuff. 18. You put some lime in the meringue. Quincy Jones has been married three times in his life, and now openly has multiple girlfriends. Even Leni Riefenstahl. "That's the higher power. That was my old lady, Marpessa Dawn. He was bipolar, you know. Weinstein double-crossed us with Citizenfour. They're taking music back where it belongs. Crazy bitch. How come you think you've been a dog all your life? No goddamn canes and no cups, nothing like thathis mother wouldnt let him do it. For one thing, he seems to know, or have known, everybody. Because that's a big motherfucker, man. Are they pretty confident you can get there? I've seen him shooting in his testicles, man. Get out of here. We shared many, many beautiful memories, & most importantly, we share two incredible daughtersPie (@kidadajonesog) & Doonkie (@rashidajones), he continued. 24. And he went up therehe was the only white dude in the whole place. [1] His career spans 70 years in the entertainment industry with a record of 80 Grammy Award nominations, [2] 28 Grammys, [2] and a Grammy Legend Award in 1992. "Never. Oh baby! "That's heavy. Get to a place where you see the access is close to the shore, and just grab them by the tail. She has an older sister, Kidada Jones, and five half-siblings by her father's other relationships. Although Quincy has not spoken much about their union, he had nothing but praises to sing about Peggy when she died in May 2019. The snake didn't want to hear that shit.". Couldn't go in the casino. But, say, Taylor Swift, I guess, is the biggest pop star on the planet in terms of sales right now and this week is about to sell over a million copies of her new album. She was Goebbels's girlfriendhe was like the publicist for the Third Reich, you know. She is also a painter. I can't. You think racism is bad now, you should try the '30s, '40s, '50s, '60s. That's heavy, isn't it? So did I hear that they've said to you that you could live until 120? He smiles. It was horrible.". So he's just hanging there till he digests it. 'Unbelievable, man. It was shocking to me to learn that about him. Cape Town. Come on. See your friend with his head off? Because they think that's all you like, but that's stupid, man. Cairo, whew, he boasted. The first record I did with Dinah WashingtonI was 20 years old or somethingwas 'I Love My Trombone-Playing Daddy with His Big Long Slidin' Thing.' Shit. He's still with them. Her father is African-American and her mother is Ashkenazi Jewish (a descendant of emigrants from Russia and Latvia). So [Marlon] says, 'You go on around the back of the house, turn the motor off on the car, and let it slide down the hill. Together they had Quincy's first child, daughter Jolie. I dont lie. ", "With some greens. "He had a perspective on details that was unmatched. Tommy guns and stogies, stacks of wine and liquor, big piles of money in back rooms, that's all I ever saw. We weren't going to take that shit. Rashida Jones was born in Los Angeles, California, the younger daughter of media mogul, producer, and musician Quincy Jones and actress Peggy Lipton. Come on. Jones makes a kind of exhalation noise. His collection of trumpets, including Dizzy Gillespie's, is mounted on the wall of his living room, behind the bar, and he describes the instruments with evident love. Truman Capote. It was 1941 and they made $110m dollars - that was the equivalent of a billion back then. (15) [My grandmother] was an ex-slave, you know. Some days he was okay, but others he was all over the place. And use Jermaine's son, who sings and dances just like Michael.". His head fell off. It was a terrible way to live, you know. After his divorce in 1974 from Martina's mom, he married Peggy Lipton the day after the divorce. [Bono]'s a great guy. Twelve languages, everything. Jones makes a face, somewhere between disapproval and disdain. He disappears, and Jones's attention returns to me. . Jones is referring to the legendary eveningAugust 20, 1983when both Michael Jackson and Prince attended a James Brown show at the Beverly Theater in Los Angeles. There is absolutely no combination of words that can express the sadness I feel after losing my beloved Peggy Lipton.My wife of 14 years, he wrote on Instagram alongside a slideshow of old pictures with her. ", "Michael's parrot. When I arrived here this evening, Jones had just woken up. "I'll figure something out. Alex Haley was the writer of the book (and TV series) Roots; Jones and he were friends. Sinatra, he went on, "wore that for 40 years. Jones first met Miles Davis when Jones was 18, and they later collaborated. That was why Frank had Mafia bodyguards for everybody in Basie's band and me. To date, he has 28 Grammy awards to his name, one Emmy, and seven Oscar nominations. Read on to learn about Quincy Jones three previous wives. Seen all that. He said, 'Did you see that he's dead?' Photo Credits: CHRIS WALTER / WIRE IMAGE / GETTY IMAGES. She is Jewish on her mother's side, and African-American on her father's side. And then he started on black coffee and Dutch Bols gin for 25 years." 4. It was a superstar face-off that has often been seen as a triumph for Michael Jackson, and a rare humiliation for Prince. And then I fell down five flights of stairs, and I said, 'That ain't gonna work.' He died in her arms pretty much" Shit, I've got some great dishes, man. In an interview with Vulture, Jones discussed his dating life, Michael Jackson, the Beatles, and he revealed male entertainers who were bisexual. He then married Ulla Andersson, with whom he shares a son, Quincy, and a daughter, Martina. Vegas in '64 was fucked-up. '", "Just go down there and do it, man. "Yeah. Let me ask you about someone completely different. "You know, because it's somebody you admire, and you see that they got this little old ragged-ass convention of racism going. He laughs. But it's not quite true. Actress Rashida Jones is celebrating her 45th birthday. Is it true that you can cook the best lemon-meringue pie? I stay at his castle in Dublin, because Ireland and Scotland are so racist it's frightening. Just get 'em. (1946-2019) Who Was Peggy Lipton? Born to celebrity parents, it was quite normal for Kidada to meet famous personalities like Michael Jackson and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar who frequented her home during her growing up years. ", "No, it wasn't that kind of relationship. Jackson had film of what happened that night. He's just a man. Because it was the beginning. So he'll refer to the time Nelson Mandela tried to get him to touch a cheetah"I couldn't do it"and then he'll mention that Colin Powell called a couple of days ago because Powell was annoyed at how Tyler Perry appeared to be portraying him in a forthcoming movie. Born and raised in The Bronx, Jolie Jones' husband, Stewart Levine, began his lifelong musical journey at the young age of . They were very in love. Two up front and three in the back. "They be thinking I'm 84 and retired and all that shit. ", One of his most famous critics was the newly famous Tupac Shakur, who said in a 1993 interview with The Source, "Quincy Jones is disgusting. He'd get drunk, and Jilly, his right-hand guy, stone gangster, would get behind him and break the guy's ribs. ", "Yeah, but she was always sabotaging it. I said, 'Oh, my man's got some pimp shoes on.' Quite a life, from eating rats there, to being here now. "Personally?" They gave them to me." Jones is a doting father to seven children, Rashida, Kidada, Kenya, Quincy, Jolie Levie, Martina, and Rachel. "I'm fighting that like a warrior. They only used three-syllable Eastern European composersBronislaw Kaper, Dimitri Tiomkin.". That was a big motherfucker, man. "I wanted to be a gangster until I was 11 . "What the fuck is that?" At that, Marlon turned around and freaked out. Jones is not one of those people. Shit, it's the last time I did it. ", "She knew I was a fan, and I was over there [in Berlin]. By 1964, he was named a vice president of Mercury Records, making him the first Black man to hold such a heavy position at a white-owned record company, per the American Academy of Achievement. In all kinds of ways. But Jones didn't go. So I would never press that. He died a playboys death in 1965 at the age of 56: After an all-nighter at a Paris nightclub in celebration of a polo victory, he drove his silver Ferrari into a horse chestnut tree. Seen how that works. The Oscar was awarded in 1994 for his humanitarian work. "Oh my God, it was freaky. "Hell yeah. "No, man, you don't do that. In my opinion, youre destroying it and shitting all over your people. Let me show you that big one, because you cant notice the nasty on this right away. That's the only way you can be great, you know, is pay attention to the best guys who ever did it. I ain't gonna lie. Ray Charles and Frank Sinatra. "Yeah, I don't lie. When Jones says that he "lost 66 friends last year" and begins to list recent departures"David Bowie, George Martin"it's more than an acknowledgment of some recent rough years. She has an older sister, Kidada Jones, and five half-siblings by her father's other relationships. You can't even imagine that. Jones first met Michael Jackson when Jackson was 12 at a party at Sammy Davis Jr.s house. (11) Amazing man. That happened all the time. He nods. Did you have any happy memories of your mother before things went wrong? From award-winning writing and photography to binge-ready videos to electric live events, GQ meets millions of modern men where they live, creating the moments that create conversations. And its amazing women get it, man, he said. Oh my God, they're fearless, man. "Man, it's been happening to me all my life. But he double-crossed us, and I don't give a fucksee what happened to him?". "Let's not talk about it. It was freedom, man. Much later in Jones's life, there would be a diagnosis of what was wrong with her and she would find some kind of a cure, at least for her most extreme symptoms, and live until she was 94. When she said that, it opened up a door for me. I appreciate all of it. he says. I said, 'Impossible, man, I was with him last night.' Actress Jeri Caldwell and Quincy Jones were married between 1957 and 1966 and welcomed one child, a daughter named Jolie, together. That's for sure.". After Jones's mother was taken away in a straitjacket, his father felt unable to look after Quincy and his brother, Lloyd. I really don't. "Yeah. Quincy has also enjoyed a bustling private life: Hes been married three times and has seven children between five women. Use it or lose it.". Jones, who will release a memoir, shared his. I love 'em so much. "And they stuck an ice pick"he points to his left temple"in here, the same time. You were around in the era when the animals started appearing, weren't you? And smiles at memories that the rest of us can and should never know. Women are a trip, man.". Buzz Aldrin took the song with him on a portable cassette. They don't know. And it felt like there was some sense of liberation in that? Oprah and I kid all the timewe call each other 'two motherless motherfuckers from Miss'ippi.'". Jeffrey Bezos." I mean, that woman was one of the greatest filmmakers that ever lived. She grew up in Bel Air, Los Angeles, California. I didn't tell him. It's just something else. Someone once compared his omnipresence to Forrest Gump's; Jones has heard this one, but he prefers a further twist on it: "the Ghetto Gump.". Chicago is tough. Prince appeared in the studio, right, back when you and Michael were recording 'Off the Wall'? Boy, that was heavy. 1: One on Billboard's R&B chartWeeks on Charts: 17This top-ten hit on the. I remember one day we were out there working at Hayvenhurst, and we couldn't find Muscles, and we went downstairsthey were refurbishing this room down thereand here this cat, man, is hanging out of the parrot cage. That's why the second one had blue eyes." That's the primate in us, the four F's: Fright, Fight, Flight, and Fuck. And he took his trumpet with him. I saw all of it. ", "No, no, no. When we meet, celebrity sexual harassers are falling like dominoes. Quincy was married three times, first to Jeri Caldwell, with whom he shared a daughter named Jolie. He's a fearless motherfucker. The Twin Peaks actress and Jones became married in 1974, they separated in 1986 and their divorce was finalized in 1990. Jeri has one acting credit to her name, for an appearance in 1994s Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult. You know what I mean? She is a Swedish-American model. ", "Yeah. Learn about his marriages here. ", "Because it's masculine. "Keeps dementia and Parkinson's away," he says. "I forgot about it," he says. ", "Look where we've come," he says, raising his eyes to the ceiling. He's racist like a motherfucker.". CharlieI used to go to things with Charlie Parker, manboy, he'd have everybody smoke some weed and he'd have, like, the founders of Sears Roebuck, the ladies walking around the pool, all of them nude, man. Quincy Jones with Michael Jackson at the 1984 Grammy Awards, . Frank Sinatra. Great guy, man. Back then, they were ashamed of it, man. To me, it's like orchestration. We're doing ten movies, six albums, four Broadway shows, two networks, business with the president of China, intellectual property. "I don't know, man, but it was strong. "Muscles used to come and wrap around me, my leg, around the chair, and crawl across the console. (27). So how does she think it affected Hitler? How could you forgive someone who could say that? "Right. I noticed that she stopped at the water fountain every day the dog squad is real good at noticing patterns. And then she told me something that really hit home. 15. That's why I was always maniacal about transforming every problem into a puzzle which I can solve. "He had on some burgundy wingtips, man, with thin tan rib socks, man. Because I can stop like a motherfucker. "And then I said, 'Come here, motherfucker, I've got to talk to you.' Reached up and pulled my friend, and his head fell off. "I got 22 girlfriends.". But you'd be surprised. These women, the young ones, are aggressive now. I believe he made you scrambled eggs once? Well, I missed the trumpet.". How did the conversation about doing the song together go? In fact, he will say it in my presence 89 times. Born in Chicago in 1933, the multifaceted artist rose through the ranks in the music industry after dropping out of Berklee College of Music in Boston and starting his touring career. Charlie Parker, everybody there, was married to a white wife.". Did you understand why he was such a big deal? At one point, he asks for a laptop so that he can show me some of his young jazz protgs on YouTube, and spends about 20 minutes playing videos. ", You and Frank Sinatra had the first song played on the moon, didn't you? Quincy was first married to actress Jeri Caldwell, from 1957 to 1966. Cairo. I ended up with two actresses, Peggy Lipton and Nastassja Kinski (9), and a superstar model. I got a tape on that." "Yeah, he showed up in the back of a car with a brother who was managing him, and he was like a deer in the headlights. This time he listened. Or that's what you believed. She was with him in Las Vegas when he died. To revisit this article, select My Account, thenView saved stories, "I feel like I'm just starting," Quincy Jones explains as he slowly takes a seat in the grand living room of his hilltop Bel-Air mansion, a wide arc of nighttime Los Angeles visible through the windows in front of him. On the way home, Lloyd said to me, 'My brother, you shall have no pie!' "Shit, everybody in the band bought it! By the time they tied the knot, they had already welcomed a daughter, Kidada. When you're 7 you can't tell the difference. By this point, Jones was already very successfulas an arranger, as a solo artist, as a composer for movies and TVbut he'd first made his name as a trumpet player. Every drop.". We'll be talking, and suddenly he mentions that on the other side of the room there are cards from Picasso's wife, Jacqueline. What a guy. Ozzy & Sharon Osbournes Grandkids: Meet Their Grandchildren. You really met Leni Riefenstahl? We came almost in love with each other. One example was when you started doing film soundtracks. Fucking right it did! Even setting aside the improbability of a man rising out of his background to achieve all that he has achieved, there have been at least three specific moments in Quincy Jones's life when it seems almost miraculous that fate allowed him to continue. PleaseI worked with everybody in the fucking world in music.". My poor baby.". My brother and I, we were 6 and 7 years old, we watched her taken away in a straitjacket. Why? She didn't like that. His mother was a well-educated woman: "Boston University. Quincy was co-directed by his actor daughter Rashida Jones and documentarian Alan Hicks and is arranged as superbly as one of Jones's scores. In the new Netflix documentary Quincy, directed by Alan Hicks and Jones' daughter Rashida, we get a distinctive look at the restless polymath who worked across jazz, the blues, pop, funk and rap . Artist: Brothers JohnsonAlbum: Look Out For #1Label: A&MCertification: GoldRelease date: June 12, 1976Weeks at No. 2. [Prince] said, 'Relax your lips, girl.' And he went back into the other room and said, 'I didn't know Quincy Jones was a Negro.' 23. That's tough, man. And you look all across the walls, his bones with his writing on them. Plus, he has worked with some of the biggest names of all time, such as Michael Jackson and Frank Sinatra. Back then I was dogging it up, and Jeri and her sister were the hotsy-totsies at school, he recalled. Michael Jackson. The first of these took place when he was 14 years old. "But they don't know, man. "Well, at that age it's not so easily identifiable exactly what the hell's wrong. The boozers here and the junkies there. His final marriage was to actress Peggy Lipton. (29). Framed on a wall of his sons mansion is the saw that the senior Quincy Jones rst used in 1928. . He either loved you with all of his heart or else he'd roll over your ass in a Mack truck in reverse. There's nothingthere's no upside. She voiced one of the characters in the adventure-fantasy film 'The Wiz.' Plenty of people talk as though Taylor Swift has great songs. Ray Charles. You gotta be kidding. I said, 'Motherfucker, you don't have to pay me back.' So he went in the joint, all black, and he saw a booth over there with a guy with a hat on and five girls. Come on, man. Sitting with me, icking through a book of photographs, Jones comes across one of the two of them together. (24). There's something very beautiful and haunting about this that stays with me: the trumpet player fingering notes on an invisible trumpet that he knows he can never dare hear. "Yeah. Frank was always trying to hook me up with Marilyn Monroe, but Marilyn Monroe had a chest that looked like pears, man.". (23) His son Miko, I took him to San Diego with us to get the first platinum record on Thriller, and he met Michael, and Michael's family hired him to be part of their team. ", But he now had music to show him a path forward, a way out.